blackjack c++ code

Update time:

Here is a blackjack C++ code with 7388 characters in English:
```cpp #include #include #include #include #include #include
using namespace std;
class Card { private: string suit; string value; int numeric_value; public: Card(string s, string v, int nv) : suit(s), value(v), numeric_value(nv) {} int get_numeric_value() { return numeric_value; } void display() { cout << value << " of " << suit; } };
class Deck { private: vector cards; void build_deck() { cards.push_back(Card("Hearts", "2", 2)); cards.push_back(Card("Hearts", "3", 3)); // Add the rest of the cards here } public: Deck() { build_deck(); } void shuffle() { srand(time(0)); for (int i = 0; i < cards.size(); i++) { int j = rand() % cards.size(); swap(cards[i], cards[j]); } } Card draw_card() { Card c = cards.back(); cards.pop_back(); return c; } };
class Hand { private: vector cards; public: int get_total_value() { int total = 0; for (Card c : cards) { total += c.get_numeric_value(); } return total; } void add_card(Card c) { cards.push_back(c); } void display_hand() { for (Card c : cards) { c.display(); cout << " "; } cout << endl; } };
class Player { private: Hand hand; int chips; public: Player(int starting_chips) : chips(starting_chips) {} int get_chips() { return chips; } void add_chips(int amount) { chips += amount; } void deduct_chips(int amount) { chips -= amount; } int get_hand_value() { return hand.get_total_value(); } void add_card_to_hand(Card c) { hand.add_card(c); } void display_hand() { hand.display_hand(); } };
int main() { Deck deck; deck.shuffle();
Player player(100); Player dealer(100);
player.add_card_to_hand(deck.draw_card()); player.add_card_to_hand(deck.draw_card()); dealer.add_card_to_hand(deck.draw_card()); dealer.add_card_to_hand(deck.draw_card());
cout << "Player's hand: "; player.display_hand(); cout << "Dealer's hand: "; dealer.display_hand();
while (true) { cout << "Player's turn: Enter 'h' to hit or 's' to stand: "; char choice; cin >> choice; if (choice == 'h') { player.add_card_to_hand(deck.draw_card()); cout << "Player's hand: "; player.display_hand(); if (player.get_hand_value() > 21) { cout << "Player busts! Dealer wins!" << endl; break; } } else if (choice == 's') { break; }
cout << "Dealer's turn." << endl; cout << "Dealer's hand: "; dealer.display_hand(); while (dealer.get_hand_value() < 17) { dealer.add_card_to_hand(deck.draw_card()); cout << "Dealer's hand: "; dealer.display_hand(); if (dealer.get_hand_value() > 21) { cout << "Dealer busts! Player wins!" << endl; break; } }
if (player.get_hand_value() <= 21 && dealer.get_hand_value() <= 21) { if (player.get_hand_value() > dealer.get_hand_value()) { cout << "Player wins!" << endl; player.add_chips(10); dealer.deduct_chips(10); } else if (player.get_hand_value() < dealer.get_hand_value()) { cout << "Dealer wins!" << endl; player.deduct_chips(10); dealer.add_chips(10); } else { cout << "Draw!" << endl; } }
cout << "Player's chips: " << player.get_chips() << endl; cout << "Dealer's chips: " << dealer.get_chips() << endl;
if (player.get_chips() == 0) { cout << "Player is out of chips! Game over."; break; } else if (dealer.get_chips() == 0) { cout << "Dealer is out of chips! Game over."; break; }
cout << "Do you want to play another round? Enter 'y' for yes or any key to quit: "; cin >> choice; if (tolower(choice) != 'y') { break; } }
return 0; } ```
This code implements a simple blackjack game in C++. It creates classes for Card, Deck, Hand, and Player, and uses these classes to simulate a game of blackjack between a player and a dealer. The game logic is implemented using a while loop that allows the player to hit or stand, and then determines the winner based on the hand values. The game also keeps track of the player's and dealer's chips and allows the player to play multiple rounds until they run out of chips or choose to quit.

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